Shipping & Delivery

How does shipping and delivery work?

How do I track my order?

Help, I think my order is lost/hasn't been delivered?

Can I change my shipping address?

Do you ship internationally?


How do I use the rat poison grains?

How do I use the rat poison blocks?

How do I use the rodent repellent spray for wires and home protection?

Are the rat traps really strong?

Do these cage traps catch mice and rats effectively?

Are there instructions to use these mole traps?

Do you offer wholesale or bulk purchase discounts?

Returns Policy

Do you have a returns policy?

How long do I have to return my product?

Can I return for a refund?

Do I have to pay for returns?

How long does it take for my return to be processed?

How long does it take for a refund to be processed?


How secure is your payment?

What type of payments do you offer?

Do you have payment plan options?

How do I use a discount code?

I forgot to use my discount code.

Contact Us

I have an issue with my order, what can I do?

I need to cancel or change my order!

How can I provide feedback?